
Request Booking

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Responsible for the content:
Lukas Sporer
Horberg 407
6283 Schwendau

+43 664 647 97 97



© 2024 Lukas Sporer

Despite the most careful processing Horberg hutLukas Sporer assumes no liability for the completeness, accuracy and timeliness of the information provided on this website, nor for its unavailability. Changes or additions to the information provided may be made without prior notice.



Lukas Sporer, Zillertal Tourismus GmbH, Mayrhofen-Hippach Tourist Board (photographers Dominic Ebenbichler, Michael Werlberger, Laurin Moser, Thomas Eberharter)


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HORBERGHÜTTE, Lukas Sporer, is not responsible for external content to which direct (via link) or indirect reference is made from this website and accepts no liability in this respect. The operators of linked pages are responsible for their content without exception.


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The texts, images, photos, videos or graphics on our website are generally protected by copyright. Any unauthorized use (in particular the reproduction, editing or distribution) of this copyright-protected content is therefore prohibited. If you intend to use this content or parts thereof, please contact us in advance using the details above. If we are not ourselves the owner of the required copyright usage rights, we will endeavor to arrange contact with the entitled party.


Data protection:

You can find our privacy policy here.